Department of English

Arnav Adhikari

B.A. Literary Studies, Middlebury College, 2016.
Research Interests Colonial and Postcolonial Studies, Literary and Cultural Theory, 20th-Century and Contemporary, Film and Media, South Asia, Race and Ethnicity, Studies in the Novel


My research examines the global iterations of the Cold War with an emphasis on twentieth- and twenty-first-century South Asia. Working across literature, media, and political history, I am interested in how Cold War frameworks collide with the aftermaths of decolonization through figures of time, economy, and emergency, amongst others. At Brown, I’ve held fellowships from the Cogut Institute for the Humanities and the Center for Contemporary South Asia. I was previously an editorial fellow at The Atlantic, and an editor at PIX, a photography publication based in New Delhi, where I worked on multiple curatorial projects as well.


"The After of the Already Too Late": Cinema, Time, and Third World Solidarity in Naeem Mohaiemen’s The Young Man WasCultural Critique. Forthcoming.

"Globalectics (Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o)." Global South Studies: A Collective Publication with The Global South. 2024.

Review of Elementary Aspects of the Political: Histories from the Global South by Prathama Banerjee. Postcolonial Text, vol. 18, no. 1 & 2, 2023. 


As Instructor of Record

  • ENGL 0900: Critical Reading and Writing I, Spring 2022
  • ENGL 0200: Graphic Novels and the Politics of Memoir, Fall 2021


As Teaching Assistant

  • ENGL 0511: Fantastic Places, Unhuman Humans, Spring 2021
  • ENGL 0101: Independence and Modern Literature, Fall 2020