Department of English

Current Graduate Students

  • Photo of Saoirse


    Research Interests Colonial and Postcolonial Studies, American Literature and Culture, Literary and Culture Theory , Poetry and Poetics, Race and Ethnicity, 20th-Century and Contemporary, Queer Theory
  • Photo of Arnav Adhikari

    Arnav Adhikari

    Research Interests Colonial and Postcolonial Studies, Literary and Cultural Theory, 20th-Century and Contemporary, Film and Media, South Asia, Race and Ethnicity, Studies in the Novel
  • Ilan

    Ilan Ben-Meir

    Research Interests American Literature and Culture, Literary and Cultural Theory, Poetry and Poetics, Studies in the Novel, 20th-Century and Contemporary, Media Theory
  • Noah

    Noah Brooksher

    Research Interests Eighteenth-Century Studies, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Literary and Cultural Theory, Poetry and Poetics, Queer Theory/Gay and Lesbian Studies, Race and Slavery, Romantic and Victorian, Transatlantic Studies, Ethics
  • Photo of Curtis Browne

    Curtis Browne

    Research Interests African American Studies and the Black Atlantic, American Literature and Culture, Literary and Cultural Theory, Race and Slavery, Studies in the Novel, 20th-Century and Contemporary
  • Danny

    Danny Byrne

    Research Interests Colonial and Postcolonial Studies, Literary and Cultural Theory, Studies in the Novel, Transatlantic Studies, 20th-Century and Contemporary
  • Photo of Ashmita Chatterjee

    Ashmita Chatterjee

    Research Interests Decolonization and Postcolonial Studies, Affect Theory, Gender and State , Race and Ethnicity, 20th Century and Contemporary
  • Photo of Katherine Chen

    Katherine Chen

    Research Interests Gender and Sexuality Studies, Literary and Cultural Theory, Race and Ethnicity, Romantic and Victorian, Studies in the Novel, Detective Fiction, Environmental Humanities
  • Photo of Choa Choi

    Choa Choi

    Research Interests American Literature and Culture, Multiethnic Literature of the U.S., Studies in the Novel, 20th-Century and Contemporary, Science and Technology Studies, Asian American Studies, Food Studies
  • Fabrizio

    Fabrizio S. Ciccone

    Research Interests American Literature and Culture, Literary and Cultural Theory, Race and Ethnicity, Studies in the Novel, Transatlantic Studies, 20th-Century and Contemporary
  • Photo of Grace Clawson

    Grace Clawson

    Research Interests Digital Humanities, History of the Book, Literary and Cultural Theory, Literature and Cognitive/Psychological Science, Poetry and Poetics, Queer Theory/Gay and Lesbian Studies, Renaissance and Early Modern
  • Devon

    Devon Epiphany Clifton

    Research Interests African American Studies and the Black Atlantic, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Literary and Cultural Theory, Queer Theory/Gay and Lesbian Studies, Race and Slavery, Psychoanalysis
  • MJ

    M.J. Cunniff

    Research Interests Gender and Sexuality Studies, Poetry and Poetics, Queer Theory/Gay and Lesbian Studies, Science Fiction & Fantasy
  • Juan

    Juan Gallardo

    Research Interests African American Studies and the Black Atlantic, American Literature and Culture, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Queer Theory/Gay and Lesbian Studies, Race and Slavery, 20th-Century and Contemporary, Afro-Pessimism
  • Photo of Antonia Halstead

    Antonia Halstead

    Research Interests American Literature and Culture, Race and Slavery, Studies in the Novel, Transatlantic Studies
  • Photo of Tara Holman

    Tara Melody Holman

    Research Interests African American Studies and the Black Atlantic, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Poetry and Poetics, Race and Slavery, 20th-Century and Contemporary, Literary and Cultural Theory, Queer Theory/Gay and Lesbian Studies
  • Scott

    Scott Jackshaw

    Research Interests Gender and Sexuality Studies, Literary and Cultural Theory, Poetry and Poetics, Queer Theory/Gay and Lesbian Studies, Race and Ethnicity, 20th-Century and Contemporary, Political Theology, Black Studies, Indigenous Studies, Continental Philosophy
  • Photo of Arunav Jain

    Arunav Jain

    Research Interests Colonial and Postcolonial Studies, Literary and Cultural Theory, Romantic and Victorian, Studies in the Novel, 20th-Century and Contemporary
  • Ifrah

    Ifrah Javaid

    Research Interests Colonial and Postcolonial Studies, Literary and Cultural Theory, Studies in the Novel, 20th-Century and Contemporary
  • Photo of Aislinn Kelly

    Aislinn Kelly

    Research Interests American Literature and Culture, Asian American Studies, Colonial and Postcolonial Studies
  • Olivia

    Olivia Anne Lafferty

    Research Interests Asian American Studies , American Literature and Culture, Colonial and Postcolonial Studies, Literary and Cultural Theory, Race and Slavery, Race and Ethnicity, 20th-Century and Contemporary, Gender and Sexuality Studies, African American Studies and the Black Atlantic
  • Headshot of Kiran Saili

    Kiran Lam-Saili

    Research Interests Asian American Studies, African American Studies and the Black Atlantic, Colonial and Postcolonial Studies, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Literary and Cultural Theory, Race and Ethnicity, Transatlantic Studies, 20th-Century and Contemporary, Psychoanalysis, Queer of Color Critique, Poetry and Poetics, Queer Theory/Gay and Lesbian Studies, Psychoanalysis, Affect Theory, Film
  • Christopher

    Christopher M. Lasasso

    Research Interests Colonial and Postcolonial Studies, Literary and Cultural Theory, Race and Slavery, Renaissance and Early Modern, Transatlantic Studies
  • Photo of Chi Le

    Chi Le

    Research Interests Asian American Studies, Colonial and Postcolonial Studies, Literary and Cultural Theory, Poetry and Poetics, Race and Ethnicity, 20th-Century and Contemporary
  • Photo of Alyssa Manansala

    Alyssa Manansala

    Research Interests Asian American Studies, African American Studies and the Black Atlantic, Colonial and Postcolonial Studies, Literature and Cultural Theory , Poetry and Poetics, Gender and Sexuality Studies, 20th-Century and Contemporary, Visual Culture, Media Studies, Performance Studies
  • Brianna McNish

    Brianna McNish

    Research Interests African American Studies and the Black Atlantic, American Literature and Culture, Digital Humanities, Literary and Cultural Theory, Race and Ethnicity, Studies in the Novel, 20th-Century and Contemporary
  • Photo of Marah Nagelhout

    Marah Nagelhout

    Research Interests African American Studies and the Black Atlantic, American Literature and Culture, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Literary and Cultural Theory, Race and Slavery, Studies in the Novel, 20th-Century and Contemporary
  • Goutam

    Goutam Piduri

    Research Interests Colonial and Postcolonial Studies, Literary and Cultural Theory, Renaissance and Early Modern, Race and Ethnicity, Religion
  • Nicholas

    Nicholas Pisanelli

    Research Interests Colonial and Postcolonial Studies, Literary and Cultural Theory, Studies in the Novel, 20th-Century and Contemporary
  • Katherine

    Katherine E. Preston

    Research Interests African American Studies and the Black Atlantic, American Literature and Culture, Colonial and Postcolonial Studies, Literary and Cultural Theory, Poetry and Poetics, Race and Ethnicity, 20th-Century and Contemporary
  • Erin

    Erin Prior

    Research Interests 20th-Century and Contemporary, Genre Fiction, Philosophy of Science, Religion
  • Jack

    Jack Quirk

    Research Interests Colonial and Postcolonial Studies, Literary and Cultural Theory, Studies in the Novel, 20th-Century and Contemporary, Law and Literature, Jurisprudence, Race and Ethnicity, Legal Theory, Social Epistemology
  • Michelle

    Michelle Rada

    Research Interests Gender and Sexuality Studies, Literary and Cultural Theory, Transatlantic Studies, Studies in the Novel, 20th-Century and Contemporary
  • Photo of Megan Robinson

    Megan Robinson

    Research Interests Poetry and Poetics, 20th Century and Contemporary, Science and Literature , Philosophy of Perception
  • Benjamin

    Benjamin Rosenberg

    Research Interests 20th-Century and Contemporary, Romanticism, Poetry and Poetics, Critical Theory, 19th-Century
  • Prudence

    Prudence Ross

    Research Interests Colonial and Postcolonial Studies, Literature and Cognitive/Psychological Science, Medieval, including Old English and Middle English, Poetry and Poetics, Renaissance and Early Modern, Trauma Theory, Science Fiction
  • Ula

    Ula Rutkowska

    Research Interests Colonial and Postcolonial Studies, Race and Slavery, Studies in the Novel, 20th-Century and Contemporary
  • Photo of Benjamin Salt

    Benjamin Salt

    Research Interests Literature and Cognitive/Psychological Science, Poetry and Poetics, Renaissance and Early Modern, Romantic and Victorian
  • Photo Semilore Sobande

    Semilore Sobande

    Research Interests African American Studies and the Black Atlantic, Colonial and Postcolonial Studies, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Literary and Cultural Theory, Race and Slavery, Race and Ethnicity, 20th-Century and Contemporary, Studies in the Novel
  • Photo of Meena Venkataramanan

    Meena Venkataramanan

    Research Interests Asian American Studies, American Literature and Culture, Black Studies, 20th Century and Contemporary, Law and Literature, Race in Early Modernity , Postcolonial Studies
  • Photo of Blythe Lewis Waite

    Blythe Waite

    Research Interests Romanticism, Poetry and Poetics, 19th-Century, Eighteenth-Century Studies, Romantic and Victorian, Literary and Cultural Theory, Transatlantic Studies