Department of English

Jason Emmett Collins

MPhil English Studies, University of Cambridge, 2022 , BA English, University of Southern California, 2020, BA History, University of Southern California, 2020


I am interested in the influence of fiction on the intellectual history of religious discourse in the nineteenth century. I am intrigued, for example, by theologians and other religious thinkers that articulated their ideas across both fictional and nonfictional mediums, and by what these authors imagined that fiction could “do” or express that other linguistic media could not. Equally, I am interested by secularist authors of the same period that take religious lives, rituals, and material culture as their subject matter and how they understood the relevance of fictional representation of such concepts to modern and secular life. 

Before coming to Brown I was the recipient of the 2021-2022 Gould Studentship in English Literature at Trinity College, Cambridge. I have also worked as a teacher of sixth grade English and at a nonprofit organization supporting university access for disadvantaged students.