Scott Jackshaw
My dissertation is an experiment in thinking through and against the body, routed through black studies, queer theory, and contemporary poetry, by way of three fluids—blood, vomit, and breath—that seem neither proper to nor separable from it. My poetry has appeared in a number of journals, including The Capilano Review, CV2, Hart House Review, and PRISM international, and my collection Stigmata is forthcoming from Talonbooks in 2025. I serve as managing editor of differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies.
"Mourning worlds: A review of Prageeta Sharma's 'Grief Sequence.'" Jacket2. December 2020.
“On David Dowker’s 'Mantis.'” The Capilano Review 3.38, June 2019.
ENGL0200: Risk/Rupture/Remains: Contemporary Queer Media and Poetics
ENGL0900: Decompositions